Friday, September 16, 2011

Taking care of myself

I have always heard that a woman has to take care of herself and then she can take care of her husband and children, and to a degree, I've done that my whole life...taken care of everyone else first, though, and then putting myself last, even though I used to have a weekly manicure appointment, and the ex thought it was a waste of time and money.  

What he didn't understand was that when I was getting those weekly manicures, I felt pretty, and desirable, I felt, well...downright sexy....and so, our marriage was pretty good during those times.  It's when I stopped doing things for myself, due to finances, or whatever crazy thought was going through my head, I felt like crap.  I didn't feel pretty at all, let alone sexy...and that's when our marriage was really bad.

So, in this time of my life, I'm finding it a lot easier to take care of me first.  In the past 2 weeks, I've had a haircut, a wonderful pedicure, I bought some daily vitamins, and then today, I took myself out to get my hair colored.   And not just colored, but hi-lighted too.  I've never had that much done to my hair in my life, and I know how crazy it sounds to say that something so little, like covering up my gray hair, made me feel so much better...physically and mentally.  

I was also surprised at how much younger and less stressed that I've been looking lately..actually, since I cut that 11 inches off, I was told that took about 10 years off of how I old that I was looking.  Losing about 50 lbs hasn't hurt either...but it's now MY turn...MY turn to take care of ME.  The kids are all grown, and on their own, the husband is off to better hunting grounds, and me....well, watch out world...I'm feeling pretty damn good!

1 comment:

  1. You GO, Babe!! Who the heck else do you have to look out for/after now, anyway! You are right! It is YOUR TURN!!! You are doing all the right things! It definitely IS your turn now! AND... You do look younger (except for those days you indulge in/give in to feeling sorry for yourself. (what does THAT tell you?) Anyway, I am here to tell you that you ARE "ALL THAT" and then some! You need to pamper yourself! Go ahead and splurge, as long as it doesn't take away from your daily sustenance. You are AWESOME!!! and you NEED to KNOW that! What a joy you are to me, every day! ...and such a help, professionally, too!
    You need to get to a place where you are as sure of that as I am, and KNOW it too! Love you Babe!!!
