Thursday, September 15, 2011


Luxury....just that word conjures up visions for each of  us.  For some, it's a huge house, or a luxury automobile of some kind.  For me, it's pretty's my own bathroom.  You see, I grew up in a family, where I had to share a bathroom (just like everyone else), then I always had either room mates, live-in boyfriends, or husbands and children.  I haven't been to the bathroom by myself in at least 18 years, and even now, sometimes, the dog freaks out...but this bathroom is MINE!  It's all mine!  

The other beauty of having my own bathroom is that I can decorate it any way that I see fit.  That means it's a reflection of ME!  It's not just the reflection staring at me back in the mirror, although that one, while looking a bit older, isn't a bad reflection either...but being able to express myself in decorating, without having to worry if someone else will approve, or dislike it completely.  Oh, and the heaven of beautiful, new, fluffy, WHITE bathsheets, that actually STAY white, because one of the kids isn't using them to boot-black their boots, or Jr ROTC boots, or whatever.  It's awesome.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say, is that one can find luxury in the smallest and craziest of places...for me, it's my own bathroom.

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