Monday, September 19, 2011

Legal/not Legal...I don't friggin' Care!

Today was a mixture of good, bad, and just downright UGLY!  I got home this morning before the sun came up, after a great time spent with my best friend.  Then, I got to sleep for about 3 hours, and the day started at 1 pm.  

I received a phone call from my 16 year old son, David's, caseworker.  Can I just say that the news is NOT good news.  I literally had a panic attack on the phone with the caseworker.  I am beside myself over what he told me.  First off, for those of you who don't know me well, my son lives with his father, my first ex-husband, and we have shared physical and shared legal custody of David.  Now, last year, my son started experimenting with drugs, mostly pot, as far as I know, and when I had a call from his father, regarding this, I said that I wanted to put David into a rehab program.  His father did NOT take my advice, and the school did NOT notify me, regarding my son's truancy, as well as the fact that he was caught on school property with pot.  So, long story short, we had to go in front of a judge in May, to have them decide that David will now be a ward of the court.  Oh, also understand that Children and Youth of Adams County, PA DID not notify me either...and my ex did NOT tell them about our court ordered custody agreement.  So, I had to appear in front of a judge, with very little knowledge of what was even going on, and had to EXPLAIN to him that there IS a custody agreement between my ex and me, and the judge was PISSED OFF!  You do NOT piss off a family court judge.  Not only was he pissed at my ex, but the school AND Children and Youth.  HA!  

The call that I got this early afternoon informed me that my son was supposed to have had a juvenile court trial at the end of June, stemming from the possession charges of having the pot at school, however, the Juvvie system postponed the case, due to the fact that David was caught, in Mid-June, in a car with an "ADULT", a person over 18, and the court decided that they would do ALL of the charges together...this is my son's 2nd drug charge.  He's 16!  I was also informed that my son and my ex signed papers with C&Y, and are to be in contact with the case-worker once a week, and they have NOT done that.  David FAILED Summer School, and the school did NOT notify me, as they are supposed to do...yes, I marched in there, with my original order, that they are to be following, and they STILL aren't following it...I'm going to get that dammed Assist. Principal FIRED if I have my it is HIS job to notify me of these types of things.  Also, my son has an agreement with the school to not be truant, and he has missed THREE days since Aug. 28th!  Of course, yet again, I was not notified, which means that I will be calling the school tomorrow, and asking to speak to the PRINCIPAL this time, and if he can't SPEAK to me, then I'm going over his damned head to speak to the superintendent of the school district, and will go to the media if necessary, as they are in contempt of court over not notifying me of my son's grades and truancy issues.  

What all of this means is that I MUST SHOW UP AT COURT NEXT WEEK TUESDAY, for my son's criminal trial, and must go in front of a criminal Juvenile Judge, and inform HIM that the mother has NOT been NOTIFIED of any OF THIS!  So, we'll be PISSING OFF another JUDGE!  

I am not a happy camper.  If you pray, just pray that I will have the strength to do what needs to be done for my son...and by the way, I am going to ask the judge for the most strict sentence that he can give my son...I want for him to pay the consequences for his actions.  I also want him in an inpatient DRUG and ALCOHOL treatment program, away from Lancaster and Adams Counties.  

Oh, and the new caseworker likes me, and informed me that when we go for the next C&Y hearing on Oct. 4,  they are going to ask the judge to have David removed from his father's custody, and placed into mine.  Well, the truth is that I can't have David here...not when he's under the influence, and not clean and sober...not with my back condition and handicap.

Tough Love sucks!

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