Friday, February 10, 2012


So, the modern dating world sucks.  Can I just say that?  I was never really what one would call a Serial Dater, as I always had relationships, but I did some dating in my day.

It seemed to be a lot easier back then.  Now, however, it's so frustrating.  I'm finding it difficult to meet men.  And I mean MEN, not over-grown little boys.  I don't want to be a teacher, and I don't want to be a mother.  I want a MAN.  Someone who knows who he is, where he is going, and to be willing to share his life with me.  The problem is, where to find these men.  

Online dating is awful.  First date that I went on, the guy, I can't call him a man, grabbed my butt.  That NEVER happened when I was younger.  I had to threaten him with my Pap, who is a retired police officer from NJ.  Then, I had one person (male) message me a couple of times, then get all freaked out when I went out with my best friend, because said best friend is a man, and obviously THAT was too much for insecure baby-boy to deal with.  I had to tell him to never contact me again!  I won't be giving up my best friend for anyone!  And for someone that I haven't even gone on a date with to demand that I do that, or to suggest that the friendship is more than it is, was just disgusting!

I've met a couple of nice men, and I've had 3 dates with one of them.  I like him, but I never know if we're going to be going out one night to the next...not that it's a big issue, and we're not really dating, but sometimes it's confusing.  I like him, but don't know how much he likes me, and that also frustrates me.  

So, anyway....being an old fashioned girl doesn't help my case either.  I don't ask men out on dates...I think that they should be asking me, and maybe even chasing me a bit...I don't know...maybe I'm doing something wrong.  Anyway...just a bit of a vent today!

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