Monday, June 25, 2012's a Monday

Yep!  That's the driver's side tire on my car.  No, I wasn't in an accident, got about 2 blocks from my house, heard that flop, flop, flop sound of a flat tire, had to drive another block to get to a safe place to pull over, got out, looked at a flat tire, decided to head back home, praying the whole time that I wouldn't kill the rim on my wheel.  Got it home, tore the tire on the drive home, pulled into the gravel part of our driveway, as the paved part is on a hill, and then jacked it up myself.  HA!  Forgot to loosen the lug nuts...go figure...I forgot something REALLY important!  Lowered the car back down...took off what I THOUGHT were the lug nuts, raised it up again, and couldn't pull the dang thing off....found that those were just CAPS!  Lowered the damned thing AGAIN...tried to loosen the ACTUAL lug nuts...couldn't get enough torque to do that, so in a flash of absolute frustration, a couple of nasty words, I gave up!  Best friend called me at this point, and as y'all know, I cry when I'm, poor man caught me in tears.  Told me to just put everything back in the trunk, he was on his way, as I supposed to be headed to his place to watch his son, my nephew, so that he could get some sleep so that he could work tonight.  Needless to say, he got there, got me, took me to the campground, where I could get into the pool to cool off and swim off some frustration.  Can't tell y'all how much I just wanted to kick my car!  Didn't do it, but sure did want to do it!  

Gotta love the best friend...he allowed me to use his car so that I could get to school tonight.  I received my final grade for my orientation...full 4.0!  YAY!  So excited about that.  I start my first credit bearing classes on the 9th of July.  One week off, but not really.  I have homework to get done before my first class, so, therefore, I'll get that done as soon as possible, so that it's done, and out of the way.  I just feel better when I can do that.  I prefer to get stuff done so that I can relax.  Will 5 weeks of class, then 1 week off, and then another class at 5 weeks for the next 4 years...that will be my life. Work, school, divorce proceedings, and trying to have some kind of a life outside of those 3 things.  Whew...I'm going to be busy!

Here's hoping that your Monday was better than mine, and that Tuesday will be much better than today!

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