Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I know it's late, it's 2:43 am, to be exact, but I'm still awake.  On Tuesday evening, I fell at my job.  Came back into the store after a short break, and my feet slipped right out from underneath of me.  I hit the floor HARD!  So hard, actually, that it knocked the wind right out of me, and I ended up laying on the floor for a couple of seconds.  As the evening went on, I was experiencing more and more pain in my back.  I got home, took some OTC meds, and laid down with a heating pad.  I slept fitfully, as rolling over was really painful, and when I woke up on Wednesday morning, I could barely move.  Trip to the Urgent Care Center.  They did x-rays, and fortunately, I didn't break my tailbone.  The doc said it was amazing that I didn't, as the way that I fell, I should have!  Thank you Jesus for that small miracle.  So, they gave me some pain meds and a muscle relaxer, and I've been pretty loopy all day.  I'm going back to work tomorrow from 10-2.  I have to bring in my doctor's note, and then, run errands, pay my rent and so on.  Life must go on.  

I should be asleep, but I can't.  I can't believe that I fell like that, and it scared the crap out of me, as well as my manager.  My biggest fear, besides running out of gas, is falling.  So, now that I've fallen, and I got right back up, I've realized that falling isn't such a bad thing, but it's not good for me either.  I'm still in pain, still stiff, but I'm alive!

Can't wait until this weekend.  An old co-worker of mine got married last Thursday, and on Sat, she is having a Pig Roast for her reception, and I'm going, also with another old co-worker.  On Friday night, he and I are going to take his son to the Mont Alto (PA) fireman's carnival!  It's fire hall carnival season!  YAY!  I've always loved those.  

Hope y'all have a great weekend!

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