Thursday, February 27, 2014

Illness has hit our house, full force

Most of the cold and flu season, GB and I have been able to stay away from almost all of it.  Unfortunately, in the past couple of weeks, he has brought home a stomach virus, and now, some kind of icky flu-type illness.  Since he rarely gets sick, this latest one concerned me that most.   Poor man was running a very high fever, for quite a few hours, and slept like a fiend all day yesterday.  Every time he would wake up, I was making sure that he drank fluids, OJ seemed to be the best one for him, kept him medicated, and checked his temp.

He's still sleeping today, and complaining (not too bad, mind you) that his joints and muscles are really achy.  I think he was hallucinating a little bit yesterday, as he kept saying a little red-headed demon was poking him in the hip with a pitch-fork.  Who knows, but it was a bit amusing!  :-)

I just have to say that this last bout really scared me.  He's not been this sick in our relationship, and it was a bit scary, as he's just a strong man.

Now, I am hoping and praying that I don't get it.  I'm never fun when I'm sick, and God help us if he has to take care of me!

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