Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 is ending

Hello all of my readers:

As 2013 comes to a close, I want to re-cap a bit about my life, and how I've done this year.  All in all, it's been a pretty good year.  It started off a bit rocky, as my divorce went final at the end of 2012, and I was still a bit depressed about that.

During the 2 years that the ex and I were separated, I was able to do a lot of self-exploration, and figure out who I was, without the trappings of full time mother and full time wife.  Going through my mind, and my vision of myself, there was a lot of growing and changing to do.  I had to re-evaluate who I was as a human being, and where I wanted to go.

2013 was the year that I got a lot of my crap together, and figured out what I wanted.  Not what others wanted for me, or what I thought would make other people happy with me, or what I thought they wanted from me.  It was a year of deciding that what I wanted for my life mattered, who I wanted to be mattered, what others thought of me didn't.

So, I got myself out of the depression with a lot of hard work, got to working full time, started a new business venture, and a new love life.  2013 saw me starting my new life.  I worked at a cemetery, and loved my job there, met a man, traveled to Arkansas for my second son's wedding, traveled to Hawaii to visit my sister-from-another-mister and her family, moved to Frederick, started a new job at a restaurant, and spent the holidays with the new man, and my family.

Our house, here in Frederick, has shaped up and looks great.  We still haven't finished the basement, but we'll get to that soon enough.  Christmas has been celebrated, and the New Year is soon to come.  My daughter will turn 21 on New Year's Eve, and we'll have some company that day!  Can't wait.

2014 should be a good year.  I'm still looking for full time work, and am going to look into some of the cemeteries near here, but I like the part time job.

I wish all of you the best of everything in 2014.  Thanks for reading my posts. It's great to know that y'all are there.

Good Bye 2013!!!

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