Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blog Name Change!

I've changed the name of the blog!  It was necessary!  As you all know, I've been in a relationship for the past 19 months.  GB is an amazing man, and I don't want people to think that I'm single anymore.  I haven't been for quite some time.  However, until today, I couldn't figure out HOW to change the name of my blog!  HA!  I'm a bit computer illiterate, so please bear with me as I figure this out!

There will be more to come, in our lives together, and as I am able to share information, I will.  Please continue to think about us, and pray for us, as some big life changes are in play at this time..


Today, I am feeling very productive.  Seriously, though, for me, productive days like this are pretty few and far between.  I've made bread, and just took it out of the oven, dinner is simmering on the stove, laundry is in progress, and I've submitted my first party for my new Thirty One business.  I'm excited about the new business!  I haven't done anything like this in a long time.  However, as much as I purchase Thirty One Products, I may as well sell them.  Libby even has her own 31 bag, with her name on it!  HA!

Gam is watching football and NASCAR!  It makes him happy, even if I don't quite understand NASCAR.  It just looks like all they do is make left turns to me.  I think he likes the crashes, although, Joey Lagano is the driver he hates the most, so if Lagano gets hit, he's even happier!  HA HA!

Libby's been limping lately, and favoring her right front paw.  We can't see anything, the vet can't see anything wrong with her either, so she has a pain medication. The dog is silly,l though, as she will run like crazy down to the fence line to bark at the neighbor's dogs, and when her daddy yells at her, she holds up that paw, and the limps over.  Drama Queen!  She cracks us up these days.  There is just something about dogs that make me happy.  Hopefully, we'll be able to add another one to our family soon.

With the weather and temperature changes, my body is not very happy.  Rain and cold make me miserable, and my back pain is pretty high.  I'm still maintaining my health's status quo, and so am good, just chronic pain issues.  I've dealt with those symptoms for so long, that extra pain, during the Fall and Spring tend to surprise me, as the pain can reach such high levels now.

Hoping that my readers (the few of you who read my blog) are doing well!

Friday, October 3, 2014

What a difference a year makes!

I have uploaded the TimeHop app to my phone.  It's a cool little app that shows statuses and photos that I posted to Facebook on a given day, in the years past.  I enjoy being able to look back and see where I've been.  This past week has had some interesting posts.

As I look back, I realize that GB and I have been in the Frederick house for a full year.  This time last year, we were doing the major house cleaning.  A year ago, I posted here about the Great House Clean-Up of 2013.  WOW!

I fully remember the frustration of cleaning this house.  The five full days of cleaning the kitchen, the 2 full days on just scrubbing out a bathtub.  I'm amazed at how much we've done, and how much we accomplished in two short weeks.  The house still looks great, and we finally have the basement in some semblance of order.  Just 2 room left to clean out, and deliver boxes to rightful owners.

This year, we're looking at possible moves out of state, due to GB's job hunt.  We're not exactly sure where yet, but we've got a good idea.  When we know for sure, I'll post it.  If you pray, please pray for guidance for us, as we have a pretty big decision to make.

I've started a 31 business, and since I'm crazy about bags and organization, this is right up my alley.  It's also a portable business, so that helps.  It'll get me out of the house on occasion, and allow for me to make friends wherever we're going.

So, all of this to say, that GB is still a wonderful leader, he challenges me to take the high road, even when it's REALLY difficult for me to do so.  The past week's TimeHop have reminded me of this, and of how much he does love me, and wants what's best for our relationship.  I'd follow this man anywhere.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014



I just looked through our calendar for the month of September!  Goodness, we've got something going on every weekend.  With Labor Day starting it off with a cook-out at Momma P's house, my birthday on the Second, Gam's retirement party on the 13th, Ally's house warming party on the 20th, and then family reunion the last Saturday of the month.

For the retirement party, we have people coming in from all over the place.  I'm so excited about it, and can't wait!  I think that it's going to be a good time, with a good turn out.

I hope that all of you, who read this, are also having busy days.  I find that the busyness is a good thing.  It keeps things in perspective, and allows for time to socialize.  I just have to remember to make time for Gam and me, and to be available for that time.

I love how our relationship is progressing, and how we work together for our relationship.  We've been together for 17 months, now, and have lived together for almost a year.  We're not in a place where we're putting too much pressure on each other, and are really enjoying this time, of semi-retirement.  I am going to miss him a lot when he goes back to work.  It's been great having him home full time right now.  It gives me a glimpse of what things could be like when he does fully retire.  It's a good glimpse.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Almost A Year

Today, as I sit at my computer to write a quick post, I find that a few things are going through my mind.  First off, today is the first day of school for most of MD.  I'm missing that, since my kids are now all grown and out of the house.  I really miss doing the back-to-school shopping.  I know, it's a geeky thing, but, truly, I loved that!  There's just something about new folders, clean sheets of paper, brand new spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, and the rest of the trappings.  Maybe I should just go out and pick up a couple of things, it might make the longing fade a bit.

Another thing on my mind today, is my furry baby, Liberty Ann (Libby).  She's going to be 9 in a couple of weeks, and her last vet visit proved that she's aging.  She's now termed a senior citizen, and fortunately, SHE doesn't know that.  She's been limping on a rear leg for a few months, as of now, it seems to be ok, and the doc has given her a pain med, to use as she needs it.  She still runs after her stick as though she was a puppy.  All of her blood work came back normal, and she's back on her heartworm medication.  She'll get her boosters for Lyme and whatever else she needs soon, as she had had a tummy issue a couple of weeks ago.

GB and I have been in the house in Frederick for almost a year.  A lot has happened in that year.  It's interesting to look back and see where we've been, and then to look forward and watch where we're going.  The house has held a lot of company in the past 11 months, and we plan on continuing to fill it up as often as possible.  He and I are going strong, and for those who keep asking: we're not getting married any time soon.  We're not even discussing it.  We're very happy with our relationship at this point, and don't see any need to change that.

Hope that my readers are doing as well as we are.  I've missed writing here.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


As most of you know, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE snow!  Now that I've said that, I'm of the thought process that April is NOT the month for it!  We had a light dusting last night.  I was quite spoiled by the 3 days of lovely Spring weather this past weekend, and I want it back.  I'm tired of being cold, and I'm ready for the warmer weather.  Notice that I didn't say HOT and HUMID weather, just the warmer weather!  As much as I like having 4 distinct seasons, I don't normally like to have them all in less than 24 hours!

I'm very much looking forward to hanging out on the deck, enjoying company of friends and family, riding the motorcycle, swimming in the lake and the pools.  Our community has a lot to offer, and I'm very much looking forward to checking it all out!  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Looking Back and Looking Forward

For the past couple of days, I have been a bit introspective.  I've been running down memory lane a bit, but not the good memories.  I decided to go back and read my blog from the beginning.  I'm quite startled by reading it, as I guess I didn't realize that I was really that broken.

You see, I chose to start this blog when I was separating from my ex-husband, and I used it to tune into myself, to look at where I was making mistakes.  I wanted to make myself a better me.  I think that I've accomplished that, being better, although there is always room to improve.  I still use my blog to look inward, to see where I am, and to figure out where I want to go.  Moving forward seems to be the catch phrase these days.  Even if those moving steps are baby steps, at least it's forward momentum.  

I'm also thankful to those of you who have come on this journey with me, the journey to find who I was, who I wanted to be, and why I was the way that I was.  For those of you who were there in the day-to-day, I cannot even begin to express how much your support and love have meant to me.  For those of you who read my blog, and silently applaud my successes, sigh at my failures, I thank you too, for being there, for allowing me to explore those deep and dark thoughts in my brain without being judgmental.  It's been through your support that I've been able to move forward.  I know this, and I hope that you do too.

Looking forward is a good thing.  I'm looking forward to what life will bring me next.  I am going to embrace it all, and take it as it comes without being so "hyped up" about it.  It's been good for me to take the high road, even though at times, it's felt was still the best thing to do.

I love that GB stands behind me, and encourages me to do the right thing, to be who I am supposed to be, and loves me through all of this.  Thank you, especially to him, for loving me, in the way that he loves me.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Writing Up My Recipes

For the most part, I cook from recipes that I grew up with, or was taught by friends and room-mates along the way.  None of these have ever been written down, as I have a really good memory.  So, when my daughter's new Mother-In-Love asked me to send her my recipes, I had a bit of a panic!

There has only been one time in which someone asked for one of my recipes, and God Love Her, she had to come to my house, and watch me cook it, while writing it all down.  This recipe has now become one of her family's favorites, as it is with my family.  It's a chicken curry, of sorts.  Not a real Curry Recipe, but one that I adapted, after living with a Pakistani woman when I was about 22 years old.  Needless to say, this has been in my cooking repertoire for years!  It is also the WORST recipe to have to write out, because it is truly one of those: "shake of this, shake of that" type of recipe.  I just hope that Shayna will be able to figure it out, as I know she will, because she has cooked this meal with me, many times, and has acted as my Sous Chef for making it.  She'll understand it, because she grew up with it.  Hopefully, she'll be able to teach her future children how to make it, and the recipe will live on.

Along with that recipe, I have sent my recipes for Lasagna, Stuffed Shells, Sausage and Peppers, Potato Salad, Crab Dip, Crab Cakes, and many more.  I even gave instructions on how I serve each meal, what kind of bread or salad, or vegetable that I serve with each main course.  These recipes have fed my family for many years, and for the most part, they are all loved by each of my kids, and I'm happy to now have a record of them, written down, for all of them, should they request them.

So, I have done what was asked, and I sure do hope that my daughter will love and cherish this Family Cookbook, as it not only includes my recipes, but those of her new Mother-In-Love, her Grammy P, and her daddy's girlfriend.  It's been a labor of love that has taken many days to get my recipes typed up and e-mailed to Dottie!  I hope that our kids really enjoy the recipes, and use the frequently.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Illness has hit our house, full force

Most of the cold and flu season, GB and I have been able to stay away from almost all of it.  Unfortunately, in the past couple of weeks, he has brought home a stomach virus, and now, some kind of icky flu-type illness.  Since he rarely gets sick, this latest one concerned me that most.   Poor man was running a very high fever, for quite a few hours, and slept like a fiend all day yesterday.  Every time he would wake up, I was making sure that he drank fluids, OJ seemed to be the best one for him, kept him medicated, and checked his temp.

He's still sleeping today, and complaining (not too bad, mind you) that his joints and muscles are really achy.  I think he was hallucinating a little bit yesterday, as he kept saying a little red-headed demon was poking him in the hip with a pitch-fork.  Who knows, but it was a bit amusing!  :-)

I just have to say that this last bout really scared me.  He's not been this sick in our relationship, and it was a bit scary, as he's just a strong man.

Now, I am hoping and praying that I don't get it.  I'm never fun when I'm sick, and God help us if he has to take care of me!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Some other stuff on my mind

In light of all of the new National Guard photos that are surfacing with "soldiers" acting in less than honorable ways while in uniforms, I have a lot to say about this.  First off, even if I have NEVER worn that uniform, I have a right to speak my opinion on what happens when someone acts stupidly while wearing it.  I am a United States Citizen, and it's our tax money that pays those salaries, and buys those uniforms.

For the Air Guard girl who thinks it's ok to tongue kiss a POW MIA flag, and then post the photo on Instagram, I say that you need to re-evaluate your being in our military!  You have no right to wear it, as you will dishonor not just the uniform that you wear, and the oath that you took, and you have NO clue as to what that flag represents.

For the Wisconsin NG girl who posted photos of her Honor Guard class standing around an, albeit empty, casket draped with an American Flag, in a joking manner, while wearing your uniforms, and then posting that on Instagram, and then while in your Honor Guard uniform, on the way to a cemetery for an actual funeral, with an incorrectly folded flag behind your head, complaining about the cold and having to do a burial service outside, and then stating that someone was going to get a jacked up flag because it inconvenienced you: I say GROW UP, and SHUT UP!  The Honor Guard is a volunteer position, and it's an honor to serve on it.  It is NOT an inconvenience to you.  As someone who has worked in the Cemetery Industry, I can say that I have personally stood outside in the snow, the rain, the heat and humidity, the freezing rain, and the sun, to help a family bury their loved one, and many veterans to boot.  You need to be dishonorably discharged.  I  no longer wish to pay for your salary.

To the newest young woman who posted a photograph of herself, while in Uniform, working at Ft. Carson, as FULL TIME Army, with a caption that talked about hiding from the flag lowering at 1700 hours, and complaining about it, you have a lot to learn.

What surprises me that so many people will come to their defense, including a superior officer, Non-com, but either way, a member of these soldiers chain of command.  I get that it's stressful to be in the military, I get it that it's no fun to stand at attention and honor our dead soldiers, veterans, and their families, I get that having to stand at attention for 2.5 minutes, twice a day, every day might just get old, however, when you sign up, VOLUNTARILY to join a military organization, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard, you sign a piece of paper that states that you will honor your branch, our flag, and our country!

I also get it that some of you are young, and maybe just don't know any better, and that people make mistakes, however, most of us are not stupid enough to post them on social media, where the whole world can see us.  Most of us aren't wearing the uniform of our country's military either, and most of us have a clue that everyone would go freaking crazy in seeing that kind of dishonor to our country!

Chain of Command needs to change, it is obvious that leadership in the military is slipping when these young "soldiers" are allowed to act in that manner, and are not taught any better.  Maybe a couple of days on Military Manners is in order for every recruit during boot camp!  I don't know, but I think that they need to face some severe consequences over these actions.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Been on my mind lately

So, I haven't blogged much about me lately, as there's been so much else going on in my little world.  I still have deep thoughts, don't worry!  The past couple of days, it's been very heavy on my mind that there are extreme feelings about how relationships between men and woman are "supposed" to go.  I mean, every relationship is different, and each couple must negotiate their relationships all the time, but when someone has different views on relationships that someone else does, it seems that it's ok to verbally or to use the internet to attack the opposing view, rather then opening up the mind and trying to understand where the other person comes from in their viewpoint.

Case in point: Submission in a relationship.  Point blank INCENDIARY discussion.  It is something that causes some women to become so very enraged, that they'll go to any length to just insult and attack the woman with a differing view!  Happened to me just the other day, and I'm still frustrated about it.

So, if I believe that submitting to my man is what I'm supposed to do in my relationship, aside from the religious aspects of it, then that's my right to do so, right?  Well, not so fast, other women seem to get unbelievably offended by that statement.  It amazes me how vehemently they act on this one topic.  So, let's talk about it, in an open, and kind manner.

What I have learned over the past few years is that men equate respect with love.  Therefore, it goes to follow that if I respect my man, he feels loved by me.  It's no surprise that men and women are different from each other, and thank goodness for it, but for women to feel respected in their relationships, they have to feel loved.  It's DIFFERENT. Not right, not wrong, just different!

So, if GB has to make a big decision that will affect the both of us as a couple, doesn't it make sense for me to voice my opinion and thoughts on the matter at hand?  And if he loves me, as he says he does, doesn't it make sense for him to WANT my opinion and thoughts?  Of course it does!  It's part of the partnership, right?  Ok, but not so fast, see, I also believe that the final decision is his.  It's his decision on how we spend our money, as he is the larger bread-winner, and yet, my opinion counts, it's his decision on how we spend our vacation time, and yet, my opinion counts, and it's HIS decision, as in the end, he is the one who will have to answer for it in the end.  That's how I see it.  If you don't agree with me, that's ok, just do me a favor, and don't expect me to change my mind on this, don't try to curse at me, or get frustrated with me because I don't agree with you.

This doesn't make me "dependent" on a man, it makes me a valuable part of my relationship with my man, it makes me the Queen, and most people forget that the Queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard, why?  Because the Queen protects the King!  My submission to my man is a gift, that I give to HIM, not to every man.  Trust me, I am a strong woman, very strong, and pretty stubborn too.  Matter of fact, I made sure that my man knew just what he was getting into with me, as I'm a red-head, and I have attitude.  I like things to be my way, and that just always can't happen.

Submission does not make me stupid, it does not make me weak.  As a matter of fact, I believe that it makes me smarter, wiser, and stronger.  Because now, I am a part of a team, and a team is strong.  Army strong!

OK, rant over!  Back to your regularly scheduled programming!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Daughter Is Now A Married Woman

I can now say that my daughter is a married woman.  It still feels a little strange to say that, and to hear her call Tim, her husband!  I'm thrilled that they are married.  All of the hard work to make this wedding come together for them was successful.  That makes me happy!  There were times in the last 7 weeks that I wasn't sure that it would all come together, and now that the ceremony has taken place, the cake has been cut, and the bouquet has been thrown, I can take a minute and look back at everything.

Even with a huge amount of snow the day before, we had a beautiful day!  18 inches of snow on the ground also enhanced the beauty of the photos that were taken.  The kids will have an awesome memory of that.  GB and Pap had to run out the morning of the wedding to pick up the cake, and pick up some of our guests, as the snow didn't allow for us to be able to park everyone close to the house.  The grooms parents made it to the ceremony with no troubles.  Shayna looked stunning!  I can't get over how pretty she was as a bride, and how much her face shone when she saw her groom on that day.  The look on his face was priceless.  I usually always watch the groom, as the bride is walking down the aisle, as that look, when he first sees her is amazing, but this wedding, I was too busy watching my daughter walk towards the man she loves.  I needed to capture every memory that I could.  Fortunately, GB caught the look on Tim's face in a photograph, and that will suffice!

My house was full of the people that we love and who love my daughter.  There were a few people missing, and their not being there was felt, but we know that the weather didn't cooperate, and new jobs, or distance prevented their attendance.  Just know that we missed y'all being here and that we love you!

Now, we are able to get the ball rolling on the kids moving to Ft. Meade, and to get their household built.  They don't have a whole lot of anything, but they'll build it, just like we all did.  I forgot how expensive it was to buy the household staples all at once!  Things like sugar, flour, condiments, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and so on!  They'll do just fine!

Congratulations Babies!  I love you!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Open Letter To My Daughter Before She Marries

Dearest Shayna:

There are so many things that I want to tell you before you get married.  You are embarking on a new journey in your life, and I couldn't be more proud of you and happy for you!  I love you very much, and know that you will be a fantastic wife.

A couple of notes of advice for you:

1.) Allow your husband to lead you in your marriage.  Let him know how much you trust him to lead you and lead your family.  He needs to hear that often.

2.) Appreciate everything that he does for you and your family.  Let him know how much you appreciate his efforts.  He works hard to provide for you, and needs your encouragement.

3.) Tell him how much you love him, how handsome he is, and be his soft place to fall.  He will come home from work cranky, it happens, allow him the time he needs to vent, and help him to make the hard decisions.

4.) Remember that he will come home from work cranky, it happens.  Be his soft place to fall and allow him to vent to you, when he has problems.  Be the voice of reason, and help him to make the correct decisions.

5.) Keep others out of your relationship.  This includes me.  If you are fighting with him, you need to fix it.  Be the hero in your relationship.

6.) Always be your beautiful self!  You, my dear daughter, are an amazing human being.  You are loving and caring, and logical.  You have a good head on your shoulders, and know how to use it.

7.) Never forget that there are those of us who love you and will support your marriage.  We want you to be successful!

Remember that you are enough, that you are enough, that you are ENOUGH!  You will make mistakes, we all do, but when you do, own up to them, and do better.

Remember that I will cry on your wedding day.  Not because I am unhappy or sad, but because I know that you are wonderful, and I'm giving you to your husband, as your own woman.  I will be remembering the day that you were born, your first words, your first steps, your first day of school, your first day of high school, your funny self, all of the memories (good and bad) that we have shared, and I'll be amazed by who you are and thankful and honored that I had the good fortune to be your mother.

I love you so very much!


Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Daughter is getting married

Hey there y'all!  Big news in our lives these days.  My daughter is getting married!  OMGOSH!  This is the second wedding in less than 12 months for our family.  My son, Andrew, was married last June, and now, Shayna is getting married on Valentine's Day.

Planning a small wedding for my daughter has been overwhelming to say the least.  We are hosting the ceremony and small luncheon at our house!  That means a lot of planning, moving furniture, hosting guests, and cleaning our home!  Not that house isn't clean, it just needs to be straightened up a bit, and sheets changed in the guest rooms, and cleaning of bathrooms.  Thankfully, we have the space for all of this.

Yesterday was spent making salt-dough ornaments for her favors, and they turned out really cute.  I'm doing the finishing touches on them today.  Tomorrow, I will be able to go figure out which furniture needs to be moved, where I'm getting the wedding cake, and how much I need to spend on food.  WHEW!  It's a lot!

I'm still freaking out a bit over the whole "My Daughter Is Getting Married" thing.  When did I get OLD enough to have a daughter who is ready to be married?  All I did was blink my eyes and now, she's a grown up!  How did that happen?  When did it happen?  She's still in diapers and needs me for everything!  Now, she is ready to form her own family!  Tomorrow, I will post some advice that I want to make sure that I give her.  It's still crazy to believe that she's getting married!