Wednesday, August 27, 2014



I just looked through our calendar for the month of September!  Goodness, we've got something going on every weekend.  With Labor Day starting it off with a cook-out at Momma P's house, my birthday on the Second, Gam's retirement party on the 13th, Ally's house warming party on the 20th, and then family reunion the last Saturday of the month.

For the retirement party, we have people coming in from all over the place.  I'm so excited about it, and can't wait!  I think that it's going to be a good time, with a good turn out.

I hope that all of you, who read this, are also having busy days.  I find that the busyness is a good thing.  It keeps things in perspective, and allows for time to socialize.  I just have to remember to make time for Gam and me, and to be available for that time.

I love how our relationship is progressing, and how we work together for our relationship.  We've been together for 17 months, now, and have lived together for almost a year.  We're not in a place where we're putting too much pressure on each other, and are really enjoying this time, of semi-retirement.  I am going to miss him a lot when he goes back to work.  It's been great having him home full time right now.  It gives me a glimpse of what things could be like when he does fully retire.  It's a good glimpse.

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