So, I haven't blogged much about me lately, as there's been so much else going on in my little world. I still have deep thoughts, don't worry! The past couple of days, it's been very heavy on my mind that there are extreme feelings about how relationships between men and woman are "supposed" to go. I mean, every relationship is different, and each couple must negotiate their relationships all the time, but when someone has different views on relationships that someone else does, it seems that it's ok to verbally or to use the internet to attack the opposing view, rather then opening up the mind and trying to understand where the other person comes from in their viewpoint.
Case in point: Submission in a relationship. Point blank INCENDIARY discussion. It is something that causes some women to become so very enraged, that they'll go to any length to just insult and attack the woman with a differing view! Happened to me just the other day, and I'm still frustrated about it.
So, if I believe that submitting to my man is what I'm supposed to do in my relationship, aside from the religious aspects of it, then that's my right to do so, right? Well, not so fast, other women seem to get unbelievably offended by that statement. It amazes me how vehemently they act on this one topic. So, let's talk about it, in an open, and kind manner.
What I have learned over the past few years is that men equate respect with love. Therefore, it goes to follow that if I respect my man, he feels loved by me. It's no surprise that men and women are different from each other, and thank goodness for it, but for women to feel respected in their relationships, they have to feel loved. It's DIFFERENT. Not right, not wrong, just different!
So, if GB has to make a big decision that will affect the both of us as a couple, doesn't it make sense for me to voice my opinion and thoughts on the matter at hand? And if he loves me, as he says he does, doesn't it make sense for him to WANT my opinion and thoughts? Of course it does! It's part of the partnership, right? Ok, but not so fast, see, I also believe that the final decision is his. It's his decision on how we spend our money, as he is the larger bread-winner, and yet, my opinion counts, it's his decision on how we spend our vacation time, and yet, my opinion counts, and it's HIS decision, as in the end, he is the one who will have to answer for it in the end. That's how I see it. If you don't agree with me, that's ok, just do me a favor, and don't expect me to change my mind on this, don't try to curse at me, or get frustrated with me because I don't agree with you.
This doesn't make me "dependent" on a man, it makes me a valuable part of my relationship with my man, it makes me the Queen, and most people forget that the Queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard, why? Because the Queen protects the King! My submission to my man is a gift, that I give to HIM, not to every man. Trust me, I am a strong woman, very strong, and pretty stubborn too. Matter of fact, I made sure that my man knew just what he was getting into with me, as I'm a red-head, and I have attitude. I like things to be my way, and that just always can't happen.
Submission does not make me stupid, it does not make me weak. As a matter of fact, I believe that it makes me smarter, wiser, and stronger. Because now, I am a part of a team, and a team is strong. Army strong!
OK, rant over! Back to your regularly scheduled programming!
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