Monday, October 14, 2013

The Great House Clean Up of 2013

So, I haven't had time to write lately.  Things have been crazy at our new house.  We've been very busy cleaning up from the last occupant's messes.  It literally took me 5 days to clean a kitchen.  The only casualty was my right thumbnail.  UGH!  I hate it when my hands look terrible.  Had to go get them fixed last Wednesday, and now, they look much better.  Ahhh!  So, it amazes me that while we were doing all of this cleaning, that Boyfriend said to me that he now knows that I really love him....when asked why he said that, he said that most other women would have seen the mess that the house was, and would have said Heck No to the mess, and to him as well.  I'm not most women, and the truth is that he is worth so much more to me than the mess.  I have always been a bit of a fighter when it comes to those that I love, and this is no different.  If I have to spend 2 days cleaning a hall bath, 1 full day cleaning a powder room, 2 full days cleaning guest rooms, 2 full days on the living room and family room, then that's what it will take for us to make this house our home.  We have to live here right now.  There was NO WAY for us to have rented out this place, or to have sold it in the condition in which it was left.  Sad, if you ask me.  I am shocked at the condition the house is in, and that people would actually live like this.  I cannot say how shocked I am, in all truth, I don't think that there are words for how I'm feeling about this.  Just know that I love this man, have no culpability in the break up of his marriage.  He was separated 2.5 years before we met, his divorce was filed in December, 4 months before we met, and 5 months before we started dating, and there was another woman between the ex-wife and me.  I don't get what the issue is at this point.  My thought process is that it's past time to get over yourself, move on and get a life.  The only thing that I care about right now, is making this house into a real home, surrounding ourselves with family and friends; the people who love us, and building a strong foundation for our relationship, so that we can continue to love each other in the way that we love each other now.  I know that we both have to work at it, and want it.  We do. Therein lies the truth of the matter.


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  5. I wonder... does "Anonymous" REALLY think she's anonymous??
    I don't see why she thinks she needs to even make comments here on stuff that is none of her business and wasn't even brought up by you in this post! She doesn't even know you!
    Why is she so intent on dwelling in the past? It doesn't matter if they were separated 1 year, 2 years, 2.5 years, or more. The point is that you had nothing to do with the breakup of the marriage, and the divorce was in motion before you & he even met!! You had absolutely NOTHING to do with it!! You weren't even the next relationship for him after her! You only just met him this past Spring!! So why is she so hateful towards you, for goodness sake!?!?
    The FACT is that she DID leave that house in an abominable condition, and YOU ended up having to clean up absolutely filthy conditions there!!! As for the house being half hers... well, when she signed off on it at settlement, that ceased to be true, if I'm not mistaken! At that point, it became a matter of a certain percentage of the sale price (when it sells in a few years) being due to her as a part of the divorce settlement, not as a point of ownership of the house, if I understood it correctly. She then bought her own house, and Boyfriend re-financed the one you and he now live in, and it is now HIS!
    The past is the PAST!! She REALLY needs to just get over herself!
    What I truly don't get is why is she trolling your blog-post anyway???
    That's just downright CREEPY!!!!! NONE OF IT IS ANY OF HER BUSINESS!!!!!!!
    Doesn't she have her own life to live now???
    Sorry if you don't want me posting this here, babe. If you don't, please feel free to delete this just like you did hers. You know I won't be offended at all! I just needed to finally voice my opinion on this. Hope you don't mind. Pap & I love you BOTH dearly, and you both deserve the happiness you have finally found together!!! I am so happy to see you finally happy and healthy and I would love to see this turmoil END!!!

  6. I would just like to also say that, just in case anyone is wondering, I know the condition of that house when you guys moved in because I was there on moving day and saw it for myself. I was totally APPALLED by the dirt, filth, clutter, and stench when we arrived!! It was unbelievable!! This was not because of someone not being able to pay the mortgage and being foreclosed on, like you & I have seen in my Real Estate business when we were doing that kind of work. This was the result of YEARS of living in a place with no respect for one's surroundings, suggesting disrespect of oneself, one's belongings, and others to the degree of not taking care of any cleaning of anything of any consequence at all over a period of years! You and I both know we have seen much worse, but seldom from so-called normal living. I was, and still am, astonished at what I saw (& smelled) there!!

    I must say that what you two have accomplished in two short weeks is nothing short of miraculous!!! Simply amazing, considering what you had to work with.

    Oh. Yeah. A couple of other things...
    1) How does one get away with claiming "abandonment" when the person who has supposedly "abandoned" someone actually continues to pay the mortgage and the bills while one continues to live in the house the "abandoner" no longer lives in? And that being a claim that the court threw out?

    2) What kind of threat was that anyway, that you better "watch what you say"???
    I would be talking to a lawyer about that one, babe, if I were you, or at least report it to the police, as making threats online is just as bad, if not worse, than doing so via telephone or in person! It was veiled threat, obviously, but I find it scarier than a specific one, actually, because there's no way to know what it means. Just a word of caution from Mom here.

  7. Momma P not sure who you are but the house is still half mine, as a tenant she should be slightly more respectful to me. That is what I meant. Nothing more. Why does she delete my post if there are no truths in them. Of course you are making assumptions about someone you known for a few months at best. How long have you known him. I bet you feel he is devoted to your friend. You really don't know him. Nor you know what he did to me. I am sure if you did he has told you many lies as that is his IMO that and cheating. Melissa the one that broke up our marriage was a friend of our sons. That is why he no longer speaks to his dad. One common reason for divorce in Maryland is abandonment or desertion. A spouse is considered abandoned if the other partner physically leaves the marital home without any intention of returning or continuing the marriage. Doesn't matter what he is paying he disappeared with out a trace for months with Melissa. He paid the mortgage because it was a VA loan and he was receiving spousal benefits from the military. He would have lost his rank and been kicked out for just cheating with a fellow service member. So know you have a bit of the story...delete this too.

  8. Wow. So you know, "Anonymous", I am Kim's Mom - by choice. My relationship with either one of them is none of your business. The man I know and love is a fine upstanding, kind, considerate, honest person. What he has or has not done in the past is none of my business, unless he makes it so in some way. I am not gonna argue real estate law or divorce law with you, as I don't have personal knowledge of either for the state of MD. However, what I do understand is that you are not her landlord, nor is she a tenant, of anyone!! She is the live-in significant other of the man who owns the house and has the current loan on the house, not you. Their living arrangement is no more your business than it is mine, which is NADA!!! Neither she nor he pays you "rent" so you are no-one's landlord or landlady!! You really do need to get a grip on reality!! That is the last comment I have for you; no more interaction is needed between you and me. Move on with your own life and let them move on with theirs. The marriage is over, so let it be over now. You're just gonna make yourself and everyone else more miserable if you don't. I wish you well!!

  9. WOW! For "Anonymous": All I can say is that you have identified yourself, Barbara, so I'm going to use your name. To make sure that we understand each other completely, I have deleted your earlier posts for your own protection, not mine. However, I have saved every last one of them on my email, as proof that you are stalking me, as well as harassing me. I have not mentioned you, in earlier posts, and you have attacked me, repeatedly. For some reason, you have a sick need to stalk my facebook timeline, and I'm not sure how exactly you are getting on there, but I know that you do, and now, here. I need for you to understand me completely, YOU THREATENED me when YOU told me to watch what I say. You are NOT my landlord, and I pay you NO rent, which means I am NO tenant. YOU have pushed and pushed, and my next step will be a legal one. I suggest that you stay away from me, and stop your written abuse of me now. It will not be tolerated by me. This is no threat, but a promise as to what I will do, if there are any more attacks. Your problem is not with me, it is with your ex-husband. I don't need to, nor do I wish to read your vile and vicious attacks any longer, and will file a police report if this continues. Your ex-husband has already informed you that what you are doing is illegal, and that he will not control what I do. I will say what I want on my blog, for as long as choose to blog here. I am not stating anything, other than the truth, as I understand it, and that is all I need to do. I have NEVER attacked you, nor do I wish you any ill will. You will need to cease and desist as of this moment. Any and all recourse by you will be considered a threat and I will do what I need to do to protect myself from you. Sincerely: Kimberly Maiuzzo Schod

  10. Momma P you live in a fantasy, I didn't ask and don't care who or what you are. I don't want to even be here but bird told me that Kim was blogging mean vindictive and slanderous post about me. Not sure why she feels like she must do that I never done anything to her or have I spoke ill of her. I did asked my ex not to bring her over when he came to visit, just don't want to be around any of his women. Sorry I feel that way but after 31 years I no longer have to put up with him or his women. I really feel sorry for her and hope he doesn’t treat her in the end like he did me. I have already bounced back so please don’t give me the move on your marriage is over speech. I have been attempting to defend myself. I will not be coming back as this is a waste of my energy. No one here cares about the truth. Kim doesn't she wants to paint this pretty picture how she overcame all and found the perfect man. She wants to put lipstick on a pig but that is her choice and she will have to live with the results.
    As for my house, I take offence that Kim feels it is hers to sale. It is not. Both of you don’t know what my ex and I discussed in private about the house. You don't know about our business agreements. You don't know what is in the divorce decree but one thing is certain there is only two parties listed that will be involved in the sale of the house and Kim is not one of them. Unless she decides she wants to buy my half and that would just be wonderful for me. No I am not her landlord, I said that to get a rise out of you because you have some holier than thou attitude that you know everything. And guess what it worked. I am catching on to this blog thing....Since your kind of maybe daughter probably isn't paying any rent to him or anyone for that matter by law she is treated as a house guest . Perhaps she is a mistress or something on those lines, you know a woman who depends on some man to support her. However that is none of my concern either it is between those two outstanding citizens.
    Mamma P you can go back to baking that cake. Kim you keep scrubbing those dirty filthy floors. Gamaliel you just keep drinking that coffee. As for me I am taking my broom and my black cat and flying out of this insane world Kim has created for herself. Tata ladies and you too Maly….
    May the goddess bless your union....

    1. And you just showed what kind of person you are by stating you said something just to get a rise out of someone. For someone who has moved on with their life you sure spend a lot of time on Kim's blog and facebook. If you were abandoned why wasnt that thw grounds for your divorce? Sounds like someone else is living in fantasyland. I too am family by choice, the best kind of family if you ask me. I know Kim very well and I can honestly say she has handled you and your attacks much kinder than I would have. Guess Gamaliel really is a good catch or you wouldnt still be so stuck on him and whats going on in his life. Or is it that you just lost your atm catd and you don't know how to make it on your own?

    2. Btw Kim, I kept quiet as long as I could but I had to say something. I love you and I understand if you need to delete that comment but I had to say my piece

    3. And you just showed what kind of person you are by stating you said something just to get a rise out of someone. For someone who has moved on with their life you sure spend a lot of time on Kim's blog and facebook. If you were abandoned why wasnt that thw grounds for your divorce? Sounds like someone else is living in fantasyland. I too am family by choice, the best kind of family if you ask me. I know Kim very well and I can honestly say she has handled you and your attacks much kinder than I would have. Guess Gamaliel really is a good catch or you wouldnt still be so stuck on him and whats going on in his life. Or is it that you just lost your atm catd and you don't know how to make it on your own?

  11. Wow. Just... wow. (Hi, Jenna!)

  12. Wow! Aunt Kim I love reading your blogs! On the other hand I was reading some of the comments and it looks to me like someone needs to be an adult and step out of other peoples lives.. I love you and don't let foolish people bring you down!!!!

  13. I usually have a rule of not sticking my nose in the intimate lives of my friends, but IMO someone gave up their rights to make someone's life miserable when they signed those divorce papers. The fact is she is trying to pick a fight with her ex's current significant then act as if she is innocent is not surprising but is a character flaw cause even after everything is said and done she sounds like she still hasn't gotten over it. Reality states she needs to go on and live her life and you and GB live yours .

  14. BA*Bye now Barbara Black Cat! Do you feel better? That was a nasty virus of the mouth & ass you just fed us * KUDOS to you for showing us how much of a poor pitiful abused soul you must be!
    I mist say I actually had a moment where I thought I was going to leak a tear for you & Then: OH YEAH
    Then I saw your truth and I threw up!
    Sending those BlackMagic blessings your way* BA*BYE NOW!
    Get a new life sweetie, this one is already taken & you are far from welcome here!

  15. Let me start with - "Anonymous Barbara", you give black cats a bad name! Your emotional & psychological rants, threats and babblings show your need for attention. Name calling went the way of elementary school and play ground antics.

    There is an obvious vendetta you wish to grind with Kim & GB but Darlin' - you're a little too late, aren't you? The divorce is final. There is no need to play that very tiny violin for you. Why? It is very simple - one can not feel sorry for someone who has blastered, slandered &/or threatened a person who is innocent of fault with refards to your PAST marriage. Your unhappiness is of your own doing. With that said, your happiness at the expense of taking aim at others is spiteful. It reflects like a mirror!

    Kim is a member of my family (by choice & heart) my sister! Twelve years I have watched her go through life that has had its pain along with happiness but ALWAYS has she maintained her dignity! I am sad to inform you - you have not. You have critized others you do not know. It must make your ego feel better but I find it sorrowful.

    MommaP is totally correct about the condition of the house vs respect. Along with the "abandoned" aspect that was tossed from the court. Not to mention if the property was refinanced then IT IS NOT YOURS! Yes, there may be a provision in the settlement addressing what you will be given but that does ot not in any fashion imply ownership. Please get a bit of legal education. It is easy to find online.

    Kim has many who know, love & respect her! GB has been taken into the fold as her significant other by simple merit. He has shown himself to be an horoable man, intellegent, and caring.

    You have called Kim a Mistress, oh my dear please get a dictionary and read the definition! Calling her a tenant again go read a dictionary. Oh! and one final thing - go get a tissue and clean that soot off your nose, it really looks nasty!

  16. To "Anonymous":
    I have seen first hand the filth that was left of that house, but I've also seen and help make that house liveable. I may not know you or your story. But there are 3 parts to every story, his part, your part, and the truth. Your unhappiness in Life isn't going to affect their relationship. I would kindly appreciate if you would stop acting like a 15 year old high school girl, and act like an adult. There is no need for you to stalk my moms blog or Facebook. I also may not know my Enano's past, but I don't care to because it is exactly that, his past. He is an outstanding human being in my eyes! He is a great person, and someone I think very highly of. Now I'm sorry you are unhappy, but learn to not live in the past and move on with your life sweetheart. You have a wonderful night.
